Advisory Board

Pamela Nalewajek

Chief Marketing Officer
Dairy Farmers of Canada

Pamela Nalewajek joined Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) as Vice-President, Marketing & Business Stakeholder Relations in March 2019 and was promoted to the position of Chief Marketing Officer in 2023.  As a member of the senior executive leadership team, she leads strategic planning of all marketing initiatives and oversees the execution of innovative and impactful promotional campaigns that have led to award-winning campaigns.  She also oversees the development of stakeholder partnership programs that stretch across the value chain and the national nutrition strategy.  

Pamela is recognized as a respected and talented leader in the dairy industry, known for running highly strategic initiatives, and motivating and mobilizing teams with purpose and vision to tackle large scale/complex projects while driving results.  Responsible for the Masterbrand “Blue Cow Logo” that is today recognized by 8-in-10 Canadian consumers.

Over the course of more than two decades, she’s developed expertise in strategic business development, profit and loss management, budget management, brand awareness, marketing management, advertising, consumer engagement, market research, product import strategies, packaging, and driving profitable sales revenue through product innovation development. 

Pamela spent more than 17 years at Saputo, one of Canada’s leading dairy processors, holding various leadership and executive positions. After joining as Marketing Manager in 2002, she was promoted to the position of Director of Marketing in 2006 and Vice-President, Marketing & Imports in 2009. She later served as Vice-President, Strategic Business Development & Imports then as Vice-President, Innovation. Standing out as a strategic thinker and purposeful visionary with proven results in leading multi-disciplinary teams, she launched many successful and internationally award-winning products and brand campaigns that have contributed net growth to dairy categories. 

Ms. Nalewajek has been honoured twice for her contribution and expertise in the category of Cheese by “La Guilde Internationale des fromagers,” in addition to several global Gold awards for Best Campaign  “We’re In – Net Zero 2050” in 2023, Best Creative campaign “Romantic Dinner” by IDF (International Dairy Federation), product innovation Best New Product Awards (Canada) for “Mini Hors D’Oeuvres” and “Vanilla Ricotta,” and Worlds Best Cheese Award for “le Cendrillon.”  She is also a judge for marketing competitions such as the Effie Awards, Canadian Marketing Association Awards and is Deputy Chair for IDF (International Dairy Federation) Standing Committee of Marketing and a member of IMP (International Milk Promotion Group).

Prior to joining Saputo, she worked at Universal Music, where she was responsible for new product development and concepts that achieved multiple Gold and Platinum status sales in Canada.

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